We are a creative and slightly eccentric family of entrepreneurs.

Here you can see us leaving our mark on South Tyneside – quite literally – with handprints in the cement at the front of the building.


known locally as Nik the Greek – resilient grafter, unpredictable but outstanding inventor and initial creator of the foundations that lead to this whole project. Without him, none of this would have been possible.


mischievous, kind-hearted, industrious and resilient side-kick and the neck of operations (my big fat Greek wedding reference)


creative and scatty brained artist, poet and serial entrepreneur whose brain cooks up fresh batches of ideas regularly – one of which turned out to be the spectacularly ingenious use for this building.


(Pronounced “Billy” without the ‘B’) jack of all trades and master of … all trades. Impish entrepreneur who is basically a (teetering on the edges of evil) genius. Joke. Not all of it, just the last part about him being a genius.

Eva, Juliet and Harrison (grouped together to save time and space)

offspring of Victoria and budding creatives and entrepreneurs. Eva lives and breahes music and is in the process of setting up a t shirt and printing business. Juliet is art and anime through and through and is setting up a Japanese art shop, complete with bubble tea. We call Harrison “Mr Crabs” from spongebob because he always seems to have a little stash of pocket money to count and loves maths and sports. We are looking forward to seeing what their brains cook up in coming years.

We are like a mixture of sound of music, the adams family, anime and my big fat Greek wedding.

Follow along for fun and frolics and you can join our free community here or join our spam-less, yet wonderfully insightful and entertaining mailing list for updates.

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Meet the family (sounds a bit gangster-like that, doesn’t it) …

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